Homemade Pizza and a Good Workout…

It’s been such an awesome weekend!  Despite a mini-meltdown Saturday where I managed to get myself in a horrible mood and ended up sleeping for most of the afternoon and evening, the rest of the weekend has been absolutely incredible!  Of course, having today off didn’t hurt any either;).

Last night was Homemade Pizza night on the menu plan.  After I had such a botched attempt last week when I tried a recipe for dough without yeast, I decided that I was going to do it right this time, even if I went through the endless kneading and rising time.  And boy, am I glad I did!

I used this recipe for the dough.  Rather than doing 5 1/2 cups white flour and only 1/2 cup whole wheat, I did 3 cups white and 2 cups wheat to increase the health-factor.  It only called for eight minutes of kneading followed by one hour of rising time.  We had to run an errand, so we popped the dough in the oven and let it do its thing while we were out!  It makes enough for three crusts, so I took the third crust and divided it into four small balls for calzones at a later date and froze them.

We made two pizzas; on the first, we put:

  • spaghetti sauce
  • onions
  • red and green peppers
  • mozz
  • parm
  • crushed red pepper flake, garlic, oregano, basil

The other was sauce-free and had the following toppings:

  • onions
  • artichoke hearts
  • thinly sliced tomatoes
  • feta cheese
  • parm
  • garlic powder, parsley, basil, oregano

Hell yeah!  I was glad that we had a friend coming over because it kept us from hoovering both pizzas.  This will definitely be added into the recipe rotation!

This morning, we were really industrious; rather than sleeping in and lazing around all morning like we usually do on days off, we got up at 7, hit the gym, finished our grocery shopping for the week and then had the rest of the day to do fun things (like going to the shooting range!)

I hit the CrossRamp (elliptical/hill thingy) for a very sweaty and intense 45 minute interval workout.  I had to drop the resistance a little for the last ten minutes or so, but I still felt like I got a really good workout.  I wish we could workout in the morning every day, but during the workweek, I’d have to get there at 5 am and then just leave from the gym to go to work, and I don’t know if I want to do that.

Tonight’s dinner is Corn Chowder…a new recipe that I hope turns out okay!